Sunday 17 August 2008

Chimney Pot Hill - 16th August 2008

Mt Wellington from Chimney Pot Hill - 16th August 2008There are plenty of tracks at Ridgeway, mostly well formed and marked. They aren't all on any single one of the available maps however. Parking at Halls Saddle is a good point to start an easy walk up Chimney Pot Hill. See the map for info. This hill provides a great view of Mt Wellington. At the top, next to the Telstra installation, there's an old rock hut, which looks like it was probably a store-hut for some original hilltop installation in years past. The Mt Wellington view is superb from here and well worth the climb.

Forest at Ridgeway - 16th August 2008Leaving the top, there are a range of options, and you can explore the tracks as time and your desire for hill climbs dictate. On days with dodgy weather, these tracks offer some good views without quite the altitude of the upper slopes of Mt Wellington. The forest is very open and attractive, and there are good views through the trees at many points.

As an aside, the nearby native plant nursery (Plants of Tasmania Nursery, 65 Hall St Ridgeway) has a great range of Tasmanian plants often seen only in their natural habitat, and is worth a look.

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